Straight Teeth
Whilst beautiful faces certainly aren’t just about straight teeth; crooked teeth are just one of several symptoms created by the weak modern face.
The relationship between your upper and lower jaws’ occlusion (how the jaws meet) determines the size of your oral cavity, how much room your tongue has to sit forward and away from the lower airway, plus how effectively you speak, break down food, and absorb nutrients. When discussing the teeth of today, the modern issue of crooked and overlapping teeth, as well as malocclusion between the jaws, can be attributed to the shrinking of our jaws.

How to get straight teeth with correct posture
For ideal facial growth, together with permanent straightening of all the teeth, correct posture needs to be adopted. Correct posture should be with your tongue resting against your palate, with your lips sealed and your teeth in or in close contact.
With normal oral posture, your face and teeth will grow optimally and without it, any orthodontics will be less stable and more invasive intervention will be required.

Orthotropic dentistry for straight teeth
Myofunctional and orthotropic orthodontists are challenging traditional practices by focusing on growing jaws to fit teeth, rather than simply moving or removing teeth. It’s been proven that primitive people mostly had straight teeth (or at the very least minimal crowding issues) but, in industrialised populations, crooked teeth are common. Orthotropics aims to achieve more balance to facial appearance without the need for strong invasive intervention.
Unfortunately, many dentists and orthodontists fail to recognise these issues as jaw-related and instead rely heavily on orthodontic braces and wisdom tooth extractions.
The problem with this is, extracting healthy teeth with healthy roots only contribute to making an already deficient face smaller; reducing oral cavity size and space for your tongue. Extracting teeth has been a convenient way for traditional orthodontists to straighten remaining teeth, without considerations for how this compromises your airway further.

Correcting crooked teeth
We believe the optimal solution to correct maxilla-mandible deficiencies is oral expansion devices, not plastic surgery. These devices gently widen your upper jaw bones, allowing your lower jaw to align harmoniously. By applying gentle internal pressure, new bone growth is stimulated. Cost effective and safe, the device is strategically placed on the roof of your mouth and can be easily removed for cleaning. It is considered a non-invasive treatment that improves the balance of your craniofacial aesthetic. Jaw-growth appliances, such as expanders, promote optimal jaw size and shape, creating space for your teeth, tongue, and airflow.
The reality is there is no gene for jaws that don’t grow right. As humans, our DNA has not changed, but the environment in which our genes express themselves has. It’s in our DNA to breathe easily and have a jaw big—big enough to fit all 32 of our adult teeth in a row, and yes, wisdom teeth too. You just need to know how to use your face properly, as humans did throughout our species’ history.